It will cost you a total of £21.50 (including DVLA fees) to renew your driving licence.
If you don’t have your renewal reminder, we can still process your renewal with just your photocard driving licence, providing none of your details have changed. Please check with your local branch if you need to book an appointment to complete your application there.
The DVLA charges £17 to renew your driving licence. We’ll just charge a further £4.50 to take your photo, check your application and send it securely to the DVLA. That’s a total of £21.50.
We’ll send off your application electronically, and you should have your new licence within 3 weeks. We’ll also take your old driving licence and send it back to the DVLA for you.
Once you’re 70 you’ll need to renew your driving licence every 3 years. The DVLA will automatically send you a D46P application form 90 days before your licence expires. But if you haven’t got one, you can also use a D1 form which you'll find in selected Post Office branches.
It’s important that licences are updated every 10 years – having an up-to-date licence will mean you have the latest security features to protect you against fraud. This will also help prevent driving licence impersonation – stopping disqualified and dangerous drivers taking to the road.
You can change your photo and/or your address using the Post Office service, however any other changes such as name or gender change would need to be done directly with the DVLA.
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