Other Parts of Speech Worksheets
These grammar worksheets review the different parts of speech; they compliment our earlier noun, pronoun, verb, adjective and adverb worksheets.
- Propositions related to location (on, under, over . )
- Identify nouns vs verbs
- Write a noun for each adjective
- Identify nouns, verbs and adjectives
- The articles "a", "an", "the"
- Select the right word: this / that / these / those
- Select the right word: enough / either
- Prepositions (beside, under . )
- Articles: "a", "an", "the"
- Complete a story with nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs
- Nouns, verbs and adjectives mixed practice
- Completing stories with the correct parts of speech
- Introducing conjunctions (and, but, so, or . )
- Coordinating conjunctions
- Subordinating conjunctions
- Prepositions
- Prepositional phrases
- Prepositional phrases and their objects
- Prepositional phrases as adjectives or adverbs
- Coordinating conjunctions
- Subordinating conjunctions
- Prepositions & prepositional phrases
- Interjections
- Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions
- Correlative conjunctions

Sample parts of speech Worksheet
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