The acts of the Christian martyrs;

Introduction. The acts of the Christian martyrs ; The earliest acts : the texts ; Tradition and form in the acts of the Christian martyrs ; The Christian persecutions -- The texts and translations. The martyrdom of Polycarp ; The acts of Carpus, Papylus, and Agathonicê ; The martyrdom of Ptolemaeus and Lucius ; The acts of Justin and companions ; The letter of the churches of Lyons and Vienne ; The acts of the Scillitan martyrs ; The martyrdom of Pollonius ; The martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas ; The martyrdom of Potamiaena and Basilides ; The martyrdom of Pionius ; The acts of Cyprian ; The martyrdom of Fructuosus and companions ; The martyrdom of Conon ; The martyrdom of Marian and James ; The martyrdom of Montanus and Lucius ; The martyrdom of Marinus ; The acts of Maximilian ; The acts of Marcellus ; The martyrdom of Julius the Veteran ; The martyrdom of Felix the Bishop ; The martyrdom of Dasius ; The martyrdom of Agapê, Irenê, Chionê, and companions ; The martyrdom of Irenaeus Bishop of Sirmium ; The martyrdom of Crispia ; The acts of Euplus ; The letter of Phileas ; The acts of Phileas ; The testament of the forty martyrs of Sebastê

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